The Mis­sional Journey (Paperback)


There are plenty of books about dis­ci­ple­ship and about Chris­tian living. Like­wise, there are plenty of books about the church, about leading groups, and even about church planting. There are very few books that are about all of these things – and how the pieces fit together.

But that’s what The Mis­sional Journey: mul­ti­plying dis­ci­ples and churches that trans­form the world is all about. Every­thing is crammed into that sub­title: making dis­ci­ples, starting churches, mul­ti­plying at every level, and making a dif­fer­ence in the world around us. Together, all of this adds up to a renewed vision for what the church could look like, from the grass­roots up.


Price: $12.00

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