Bob Logan

Bob_promoDr. Bob Logan has worked in full-time ministry for over thirty five years as a church planter, pastor, missions leader, consultant, and ministry coach. He is internationally recognized as an authority in church planting, church growth and leadership development. Bob’s current areas of focus are coaching, speaking, and developing leaders in missional, incarnational contexts. Bob lives with his wife Janet in Los Angeles, where they lead a network of missional house churches. He enjoys biking and watching Lakers games.

Logan Leadership Blog

logoOn his blog, Bob thinks aloud about topics like ministry leadership, church planting, coaching, and what it means to live missionally, sifting through ideas that stand the test of time. In addition to creating a sounding board for his own reflections, he hopes to spur thinking and stir up dialogue with others to learn from one another’s experiences.

Journey Together Now

signJourney Together Now is a website designed for people who want to live incarnationally and missionally as they follow in the footsteps of Jesus. Readily accessible to gatherings of people in the local church, provides a map and resources to help believers grow in missional living, coach one another toward maturity in their faith, and cultivate a system of discipleship.

You can find Bob on these social networks: