Dr. Dave DeVries is a coach, trainer and strategist with Missional Challenge, a ministry of OC International. He is passionate about coaching and training church planters and missional leaders. His training skills have been used to mobilize church planters, pastors and ministry leaders across the country and around the world. Missional Challenge partners together with churches, networks and denominations to accelerate church planting movements.
With 20+ years of church planting and leadership development experience, Dave brings his passion and encouragement to those he trains and coaches. He created The Multiplication Cycle™ in 2009 and has trained and coached hundreds of coaches and church planters to start churches by making disciples. He and his wife, Deanne, live in Bellevue, Washington and he is author of Six-Word Lessons to Discover Missional Living.
Dave blogs at missionalchallenge.com, and you can find him on these social networks: